For Sale!
Phanagoreia Abigail
Female, Scottish Straight
Blue cream tabby van
SFS 71 g 2101
Mather: Phanagoreia Nirvana (SFS 71 f 2403)
Father: Merrylong'`````s Nelson (SFL n 2203)
For Sale!
Phanagoreia Daisy
Female, Scottish Straight
Blue cream marble bicolor
SFS 71 g 2203
Mather: Phanagoreia Paula (SFS 71 e 22)
Father: Merrylong'`````s Nelson (SFL n 2203)
For Sale!
Phanagoreia Dalila
Female, Scottish Straight
Blue cream marble bicolor
SFS 71 g 2203
Mather: Phanagoreia Paula (SFS 71 e 22)
Father: Merrylong'`````s Nelson (SFL n 2203)
For Sale! (pet)
Phanagoreia Fabby
Female, Scottish Straight
Tortie marble harlequin
SFS 71 f 2202
Mather: Phanagoreia Nefertiti (SFS 71 f 2202)
Father: Filand`RUS Goodwin (SFS 71 d 2203)
For Sale!
Phanagoreia Floyd
Male, Scottish Straight
Black marble bicolor
SFS 71 n 2203
Маther: Phanagoreia Nefertiti (SFS 71 f 2202)
Father: Filand`RUS Goodwin (SFS 71 d 2203)
For sale!
Phanagoreia Javelin
Female, Scottish Straight
Tortie silver spotted
SFS 71 fs 24
Маther: Phanagoreia Demetra (SFL fs 2403)
Father: Phanagoreia Chester (SFS 71 e 2202)
- For sale - kitten is free for reservation or sale
- Reserve - the kitten is being reserved and a pledge was given
- Supervision of the cattery - the kitten is temporary reserved by our cattery but soon it could be for sale
- Sold - the kitten is completely paid